09 March 2015

The Belgians Are Doing It Right.

This is from Relevance of Chronic Lyme Disease to Family Medicine as a Complex Multidimensional Chronic Disease Construct: A Systematic Review,

"A particular condition that gets growing attention in patients with CLD is Morgellons disease. Morgellons disease is an emerging skin disease characterized by formation of dermal filaments associated with multisystemic symptoms.  Recent studies show that Bb spirochetes were detected in the dermatological specimens from study patients, providing evidence that Morgellons disease is associated with an infectious process.  Or do studies highlight the importance of coinfections since they can complicate the diagnostic process and their pathological synergism can exacerbate CLD or induce similar disease manifestations."

International Journal of Family Medicine
Volume 2014, Article ID 138016, 10 pages

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