09 April 2015

Joni Mitchell and the Holman Foindation - We Help Each Other.

"A growing list of scientific studies proves that Morgellons disease is real. (1) At the recent Morgellons Medical Conference in Austin, TX, scientists from around the world presented evidence substantiating Morgellons disease to be a true medical illness and identified bacterial pathogens involved. "These patients suffer from a miserable chronic illness, and the medical establishment's response is to kick them in the teeth," said Dr. Raphael Stricker, a San Francisco internist with over 100 Morgellons patients in his practice. "The sad part is that when these patients are treated properly, they can recover."" 

That was from WTRF 7 News published on Apr 07, 2015.  Here's the full article with credit to PRWeb for the original report: Joni Mitchells Morgellons Battle Aided by Research from Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation.

Morgellons Disease Related Journal Articles - links provided

For the medical nerds and researchers out there, I'll be posting full text journal articles which cover something relating to Morgellons Disease.  Discussion is welcome.

Phagocytosis of Borrelia burgdorferi and Treponema pallidumPotentiates Innate Immune Activation and Induces Gamma Interferon Production

Morphological transformations in a dually thermoresponsive coil–rod–coil 

Keratin Filament Suspensions Show Unique Micromechanical Properties

I hope everyone has a beautiful day with goodness and good surprises!

03 April 2015

Huffington Post With a Better Treatment of Morgellons Disease

Blog reader Dr. S.T., Ph.D. emailed the following story to me.  It's a well written and well reasoned piece.

Joni Mitchell Suffers From Morgellons Disease -- And Yes, It's 'Real' - http://huff.to/1BWrebn
(Full length link here)

Here's the letter I sent to the writer on 4/3/2015

Dear Ms. Melnick,
Thank you for the sensitive and well written piece on Joni Mitchell's recent hospitalization. With any luck, others will recognize the wisdom to your insight about moving past the threshhold question about the origin of the disease/disorder.
I wanted to bring a couple things to your attention related to your article. 
- Stanford University psychiatrist, Dr. Edward Kilbane, joined the Medical Advisory Panel to the Charles E. Holman Foundation, in part to help correct the misunderstanding of Morgellons Disease as purely psychosomatic.

- Several university programs and students study Morgellons Disease as an infectious disease.  (See University of New Haven, University of Oklahoma)  At least one researcher in New Haven is writing a thesis or dissertation on it.
- German clinics gather data and report a co-infection with Lyme disease (see CEHF conference agenda) and sypathize with Morgellons Disease patients in the United States.

Additional links and information can be found on the-morgellons-lesson.blogspot.com.
Thanks for your time,

02 April 2015

Joni Mitchell's Diagnosis Still Considered Delusional... After Discovering Her Unconscious on the Floor.

 Well, it was a disappointment to see the echo chamber doing what it does.  Our leading press organizations and writers seem to take a government report as fact. Media reports media reports media. 

Joni Mitchell and the "Mystery Illness" (Morgellons Disease) in NYT blog.

This is from a previous post, but it bears repeating that physicians in Belgium are way past this "mass delusion" nonsense.

This is from Relevance of Chronic Lyme Disease to Family Medicine as a Complex Multidimensional Chronic Disease Construct: A Systematic Review,

"A particular condition that gets growing attention in patients with CLD is Morgellons disease. Morgellons disease is an emerging skin disease characterized by formation of dermal filaments associated with multisystemic symptoms.  Recent studies show that Bb spirochetes were detected in the dermatological specimens from study patients, providing evidence that Morgellons disease is associated with an infectious process.  Or do studies highlight the importance of coinfections since they can complicate the diagnostic process and their pathological synergism can exacerbate CLD or induce similar disease manifestations."

International Journal of Family Medicine
Volume 2014, Article ID 138016, 10 pages

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01 April 2015

Does a CDC Vaccine Doctor Confessing a Vaccine Autism Link Count as News? Nope.

So here it is, from one of the CDC doctors turned whistleblower, strong evidence that the CDC knowingly administered vaccines that caused autism. 

For a moment, the CDC danced a good dance, evading angry parents and otherwise falsely representing what they knew about vaccines and autism.  Why was a government agency tasked to protect our health doing injury to people? Why did they allow so many more vaccines to be issued?

Where the heck was our press? Seems they were busy removing those stories from the news.  What are they doing now ignoring the story still?!

2015 Admission of Mercury in Vaccines Causing Autism by Center for Disease Control (and Prevention)

I posted a link earlier that I'd like to discuss now. The CDC's denial of the existence of Morgellons Disease has made me question their reliability and credibility.  If the following information is false, it proliferates because of their own track record.  Did you know about the anthrax and flu "lab errors"? They got hauled before Congress in 2014.

CDC Caught Hiding Data Showing Mercury in Vaccines Linked to Autism



  I urge everyone, in this age of disinformation, to look at the studies and come to their own conclusions.  I would be unsurprised if eventually we found systemic cover up by the CDC that the vaccines they administered were responsible for the massive proliferation of autism.

In America, autism used to occur in 1 out of every 10,000 children.  Today, 1 out of every 68 children have autism spectrum disorder.  A CDC doctor kept quiet about CDC wrongdoing for a long time but decided to become a whistleblower.  The CDC responded that they excluded those black babies because they needed birth certificates to determine race and other demographic information necessary to their study.  Dr. Thompson disputes that claim, especially since CDC documents show race and other information from other sources.  African Americans have been affected the most. 

Dr. Thompson is interviewed here.

I keep up with the news, but I didn't hear about this.  From now on, I'm taking responsibility to find out for myself.  Get a load of this information from http://www.ageofautism.com/2015/02/a-reminder-dr-julie-gerberding-.html.

"Dr. Julie Gerberding was the Head of the CDC. She left, and within a year, became President of the Vaccine Division for MERCK (makers of the MMRII and Gardasil vaccines.)  In December she received a promotion to Executive Vice President for Strategic Communications, Global Public Policy and Population Health.    Read that title again. "Strategic communications." Think about the intense media hype around the 100+ cases of measles, a disease that was so common and non-threatening that TV sitcoms like The Brady Bunch and Married with Children poked fun at transmission."  Dr Gerberding is quoted in the same article:

“Now, we all know that vaccines can occasionally cause fevers in kids. So if a child was immunized, got a fever, had other complications from the vaccines. And if you’re predisposed with the mitochondrial disorder, it can certainly set off some damage. Some of the symptoms can be symptoms that have characteristics of autism."

We'll be talking about mitochondrial disorder soon.

The CDC buys $4-5 billion on vaccines annually.  Wow.

"Terrifying Disease Reaches Pandemic Level" Will the CDC Respond?

Barbara Minton proposes in the article entitled "Terrifying Disease Reaches Pandemic Level", that Morgellons Disease has reached a pandemic level in the world.

What is a pandemic vs. an epidemic? I think these are useful definitions (original site):

Epidemic: An epidemic occurs when the incidence rate (i.e. new cases in a given human population, during a given period) of a certain disease substantially exceeds what is "expected," based on recent experience.

Pandemic: A pandemic is an epidemic of an infectious disease that spreads through human populations across a large region, like a continent.

So do we have a pandemic on our hands? Are doctors from Stanford, New Haven University, and Oklahoma State University wasting their time on what the CDC is functionally treating as delusional parasitosis? Do over 14,000 Americans and thousands more worldwide suffer from a common delusion? In her article, Rebecca Saviosta reasons:

"If all Morgellons patients have delusions of parasitosis, does that mean the doctors and scientists who believe in the disease are also delusional? What can explain away the mysterious fibers they say are embedded inside the healthy, unbroken skin of otherwise normal people? The CDC says the bizarre disease called Morgellons doesn’t exist, but is it at all possible that once all the noise and clutter of the delusional souls are cleared away, something real is left over? If so, the disease should not be considered to be unproven after just one study. Science usually does not settle for one small study. Generally, it takes many studies over multiple years, sets of replicated results, and numerous meta analyses before anything is touted as proven scientific fact. At the very least, the patients who are in real agony should be taken seriously and not dismissed. If someone is, indeed, afflicted with delusions, the proper steps and care should be taken to bring them relief. Finally, more research ought to be undertaken immediately to replicate and confirm the results of the CDC data or to perhaps reveal more concrete answers for those who are afflicted with this painful illness."

Well said Ms. Savastio.  Well said.  Without any meaningful studies, we don't know how widespread it is.  Will the CDC respond?

No, they're busy right now trying to control the damage from their suppression of data showing they knowingly administered unsafe vaccines.  Remember when they tried to convince the public that the "Vaccine-Autism" people were just crazy and delusional too?