03 April 2015

Huffington Post With a Better Treatment of Morgellons Disease

Blog reader Dr. S.T., Ph.D. emailed the following story to me.  It's a well written and well reasoned piece.

Joni Mitchell Suffers From Morgellons Disease -- And Yes, It's 'Real' - http://huff.to/1BWrebn
(Full length link here)

Here's the letter I sent to the writer on 4/3/2015

Dear Ms. Melnick,
Thank you for the sensitive and well written piece on Joni Mitchell's recent hospitalization. With any luck, others will recognize the wisdom to your insight about moving past the threshhold question about the origin of the disease/disorder.
I wanted to bring a couple things to your attention related to your article. 
- Stanford University psychiatrist, Dr. Edward Kilbane, joined the Medical Advisory Panel to the Charles E. Holman Foundation, in part to help correct the misunderstanding of Morgellons Disease as purely psychosomatic.

- Several university programs and students study Morgellons Disease as an infectious disease.  (See University of New Haven, University of Oklahoma)  At least one researcher in New Haven is writing a thesis or dissertation on it.
- German clinics gather data and report a co-infection with Lyme disease (see CEHF conference agenda) and sypathize with Morgellons Disease patients in the United States.

Additional links and information can be found on the-morgellons-lesson.blogspot.com.
Thanks for your time,

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