22 October 2015

Still Alive & Other Stuff

I got a bit overextended in my obligations.

I have returned.  Treatment goes well, and I am have consistent improvement with the Stricker Medical Group in California.  I see Nurse McElroy who has been providing great care and takes an intellectual and evidence backed approach to treatment.

09 April 2015

Joni Mitchell and the Holman Foindation - We Help Each Other.

"A growing list of scientific studies proves that Morgellons disease is real. (1) At the recent Morgellons Medical Conference in Austin, TX, scientists from around the world presented evidence substantiating Morgellons disease to be a true medical illness and identified bacterial pathogens involved. "These patients suffer from a miserable chronic illness, and the medical establishment's response is to kick them in the teeth," said Dr. Raphael Stricker, a San Francisco internist with over 100 Morgellons patients in his practice. "The sad part is that when these patients are treated properly, they can recover."" 

That was from WTRF 7 News published on Apr 07, 2015.  Here's the full article with credit to PRWeb for the original report: Joni Mitchells Morgellons Battle Aided by Research from Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation.

Morgellons Disease Related Journal Articles - links provided

For the medical nerds and researchers out there, I'll be posting full text journal articles which cover something relating to Morgellons Disease.  Discussion is welcome.

Phagocytosis of Borrelia burgdorferi and Treponema pallidumPotentiates Innate Immune Activation and Induces Gamma Interferon Production

Morphological transformations in a dually thermoresponsive coil–rod–coil 

Keratin Filament Suspensions Show Unique Micromechanical Properties

I hope everyone has a beautiful day with goodness and good surprises!

03 April 2015

Huffington Post With a Better Treatment of Morgellons Disease

Blog reader Dr. S.T., Ph.D. emailed the following story to me.  It's a well written and well reasoned piece.

Joni Mitchell Suffers From Morgellons Disease -- And Yes, It's 'Real' - http://huff.to/1BWrebn
(Full length link here)

Here's the letter I sent to the writer on 4/3/2015

Dear Ms. Melnick,
Thank you for the sensitive and well written piece on Joni Mitchell's recent hospitalization. With any luck, others will recognize the wisdom to your insight about moving past the threshhold question about the origin of the disease/disorder.
I wanted to bring a couple things to your attention related to your article. 
- Stanford University psychiatrist, Dr. Edward Kilbane, joined the Medical Advisory Panel to the Charles E. Holman Foundation, in part to help correct the misunderstanding of Morgellons Disease as purely psychosomatic.

- Several university programs and students study Morgellons Disease as an infectious disease.  (See University of New Haven, University of Oklahoma)  At least one researcher in New Haven is writing a thesis or dissertation on it.
- German clinics gather data and report a co-infection with Lyme disease (see CEHF conference agenda) and sypathize with Morgellons Disease patients in the United States.

Additional links and information can be found on the-morgellons-lesson.blogspot.com.
Thanks for your time,

02 April 2015

Joni Mitchell's Diagnosis Still Considered Delusional... After Discovering Her Unconscious on the Floor.

 Well, it was a disappointment to see the echo chamber doing what it does.  Our leading press organizations and writers seem to take a government report as fact. Media reports media reports media. 

Joni Mitchell and the "Mystery Illness" (Morgellons Disease) in NYT blog.

This is from a previous post, but it bears repeating that physicians in Belgium are way past this "mass delusion" nonsense.

This is from Relevance of Chronic Lyme Disease to Family Medicine as a Complex Multidimensional Chronic Disease Construct: A Systematic Review,

"A particular condition that gets growing attention in patients with CLD is Morgellons disease. Morgellons disease is an emerging skin disease characterized by formation of dermal filaments associated with multisystemic symptoms.  Recent studies show that Bb spirochetes were detected in the dermatological specimens from study patients, providing evidence that Morgellons disease is associated with an infectious process.  Or do studies highlight the importance of coinfections since they can complicate the diagnostic process and their pathological synergism can exacerbate CLD or induce similar disease manifestations."

International Journal of Family Medicine
Volume 2014, Article ID 138016, 10 pages

Check out archived posts using the menu to your right.

01 April 2015

Does a CDC Vaccine Doctor Confessing a Vaccine Autism Link Count as News? Nope.

So here it is, from one of the CDC doctors turned whistleblower, strong evidence that the CDC knowingly administered vaccines that caused autism. 

For a moment, the CDC danced a good dance, evading angry parents and otherwise falsely representing what they knew about vaccines and autism.  Why was a government agency tasked to protect our health doing injury to people? Why did they allow so many more vaccines to be issued?

Where the heck was our press? Seems they were busy removing those stories from the news.  What are they doing now ignoring the story still?!

2015 Admission of Mercury in Vaccines Causing Autism by Center for Disease Control (and Prevention)

I posted a link earlier that I'd like to discuss now. The CDC's denial of the existence of Morgellons Disease has made me question their reliability and credibility.  If the following information is false, it proliferates because of their own track record.  Did you know about the anthrax and flu "lab errors"? They got hauled before Congress in 2014.

CDC Caught Hiding Data Showing Mercury in Vaccines Linked to Autism



  I urge everyone, in this age of disinformation, to look at the studies and come to their own conclusions.  I would be unsurprised if eventually we found systemic cover up by the CDC that the vaccines they administered were responsible for the massive proliferation of autism.

In America, autism used to occur in 1 out of every 10,000 children.  Today, 1 out of every 68 children have autism spectrum disorder.  A CDC doctor kept quiet about CDC wrongdoing for a long time but decided to become a whistleblower.  The CDC responded that they excluded those black babies because they needed birth certificates to determine race and other demographic information necessary to their study.  Dr. Thompson disputes that claim, especially since CDC documents show race and other information from other sources.  African Americans have been affected the most. 

Dr. Thompson is interviewed here.

I keep up with the news, but I didn't hear about this.  From now on, I'm taking responsibility to find out for myself.  Get a load of this information from http://www.ageofautism.com/2015/02/a-reminder-dr-julie-gerberding-.html.

"Dr. Julie Gerberding was the Head of the CDC. She left, and within a year, became President of the Vaccine Division for MERCK (makers of the MMRII and Gardasil vaccines.)  In December she received a promotion to Executive Vice President for Strategic Communications, Global Public Policy and Population Health.    Read that title again. "Strategic communications." Think about the intense media hype around the 100+ cases of measles, a disease that was so common and non-threatening that TV sitcoms like The Brady Bunch and Married with Children poked fun at transmission."  Dr Gerberding is quoted in the same article:

“Now, we all know that vaccines can occasionally cause fevers in kids. So if a child was immunized, got a fever, had other complications from the vaccines. And if you’re predisposed with the mitochondrial disorder, it can certainly set off some damage. Some of the symptoms can be symptoms that have characteristics of autism."

We'll be talking about mitochondrial disorder soon.

The CDC buys $4-5 billion on vaccines annually.  Wow.

"Terrifying Disease Reaches Pandemic Level" Will the CDC Respond?

Barbara Minton proposes in the article entitled "Terrifying Disease Reaches Pandemic Level", that Morgellons Disease has reached a pandemic level in the world.

What is a pandemic vs. an epidemic? I think these are useful definitions (original site):

Epidemic: An epidemic occurs when the incidence rate (i.e. new cases in a given human population, during a given period) of a certain disease substantially exceeds what is "expected," based on recent experience.

Pandemic: A pandemic is an epidemic of an infectious disease that spreads through human populations across a large region, like a continent.

So do we have a pandemic on our hands? Are doctors from Stanford, New Haven University, and Oklahoma State University wasting their time on what the CDC is functionally treating as delusional parasitosis? Do over 14,000 Americans and thousands more worldwide suffer from a common delusion? In her article, Rebecca Saviosta reasons:

"If all Morgellons patients have delusions of parasitosis, does that mean the doctors and scientists who believe in the disease are also delusional? What can explain away the mysterious fibers they say are embedded inside the healthy, unbroken skin of otherwise normal people? The CDC says the bizarre disease called Morgellons doesn’t exist, but is it at all possible that once all the noise and clutter of the delusional souls are cleared away, something real is left over? If so, the disease should not be considered to be unproven after just one study. Science usually does not settle for one small study. Generally, it takes many studies over multiple years, sets of replicated results, and numerous meta analyses before anything is touted as proven scientific fact. At the very least, the patients who are in real agony should be taken seriously and not dismissed. If someone is, indeed, afflicted with delusions, the proper steps and care should be taken to bring them relief. Finally, more research ought to be undertaken immediately to replicate and confirm the results of the CDC data or to perhaps reveal more concrete answers for those who are afflicted with this painful illness."

Well said Ms. Savastio.  Well said.  Without any meaningful studies, we don't know how widespread it is.  Will the CDC respond?

No, they're busy right now trying to control the damage from their suppression of data showing they knowingly administered unsafe vaccines.  Remember when they tried to convince the public that the "Vaccine-Autism" people were just crazy and delusional too?

25 March 2015

The Morgellons Disease Research Conference is nearly here!

The Charles E. Holman Foundation sponsors the annual Morgellons Disease conference.  The inside scoop is that they will be video recording all sessions and making them available online.  I'm looking forward to a few things -

(1) Middleveen (veterinary microbiologist) has been making huge strides in looking at related infections in non-human animal populations.  I'd like to see if she's made any progress in identifying genetic interactions in infected bovine.

(2) McElroy (NP with practice in Morgellons Disease treatment) will present a systematic approach to disease progression and continue building on a results-based treatment approach incorporating the most recent discoveries.

(3) Kilbane (psychiatrist at Stanford University) is essentially bringing his baller status as a physician to helping Morgellons Disease awareness.  This is from his conference bio: "His specific interests include the psychiatric issues in cancer care, working with patients and families dealing with end of life issues, psychiatric manifestations in neurological disease, and understanding how individuals and groups understand illness and access health care.  Dr. Kilbane’s background in psychosomatic disorders will help to dispel the myth that Morgellons disease is a delusional disorder. Dr. Kilbane is eager to help bring this condition to light in the medical community allowing for Morgellons patients to be treated with respect and dignity while scientific research is being done to better understand the pathophysiology."

Stay tuned, I'll be sure to post future video.

From the Conference Website:

8th Annual Medical -Scientific Conference on Morgellons Disease March 28-29, 2015 in Austin, TX.

  • Host: Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation
  • When: March 28th and 29th, 2015
  • Location: Wyndham Garden Hotel & Woodward Conference Center, Austin, TX
NOTE: Conference will be held in the Highland Lakes Grand Ballroom and the exhibitors rooms will be directly across in the Guadalupe and Barton Creek Rooms.


 The Charles E. Holman Foundation is pleased to announce the 8th Annual Medical - Scientific Conference on Morgellons Disease March 28th and 29th, 2015
The 2-day conference will cover key topics and latest findings in research, laboratory and clinical aspects of Morgellons Disease. Our ultimate goal is to provide physicians and other medical practitioners with insight into recent developments in the understanding of Morgellons disease as well as bring researchers, medical professionals and patients together to exchange information, ideas, scientific data, and to develop networks for medical management and continued learning.

Conference Goals:

  • To provide a historical perspective on scientific progress in Morgellons disease;
  • To review the current state and options for medical management;
  • To present case studies and provide opportunities for discussion;
  • To explore current thinking on the pathophysiological mechanisms behind chronic diseases that may be relevant to Morgellons disease;
  • To explore less recognized manifestations of Morgellons disease (MD);
  • To enhance knowledge-sharing between researchers and front-line practitioners of care for MD patients.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Austin to experience a scientifically rewarding and personally enriching event.

12 March 2015

Could This U.S. Patent Be Related to Morgellon's Disease?

"Method and device for monitoring and controlling a process"  This patent is a bit spooky looking.  Can someone help me understand what this means?

"9. A device for monitoring and controlling a fermentation process by monitoring the content and viability of micro-organisms in the process, characterised in that it comprises a means (5,6) for subjecting the micro-organisms and/or bio-molecules produced in the process to acoustic spectroscopy.
10. A device according to claim 9, characterised in that it comprises a tube (2) for transport of the micro-organisms, and a transmitter (5) for directing acoustic waves through the micro-organisms in the length direction of the tube (2).
11. A device according to claim 10, characterised in that it comprises a plurality of acoustic pressure sensors (6) arranged along or around the tube (2) for the purpose of measuring the acoustic wave generated in the micro-organisms by the transmitter (5)"

"A method and device for monitoring and controlling a pharmaceutical, chemical or food process, in which the biological activity and/or the bio-mass of micro-organisms in the process is monitored, and in which the state of the process is detected by monitoring viscosity and/or aggregate size and/or content of a dispersion of proteins, crystalline particles or fat droplets that are processed, respectively. The micro-organisms and/or bio-molecules produced in the process, and the proteins, crystals particles or fat droplets being processed are monitored by means of acoustic spectroscopy . . . Their stability depends on the particle size, sedimentation rate, and extent of microbial cell-cell interactions, e.g. fungal hyphae clumping, cell wall interactions, polymer adsorption, and microbial capsule adherence (bio-film formation)."


09 March 2015

The Belgians Are Doing It Right.

This is from Relevance of Chronic Lyme Disease to Family Medicine as a Complex Multidimensional Chronic Disease Construct: A Systematic Review,

"A particular condition that gets growing attention in patients with CLD is Morgellons disease. Morgellons disease is an emerging skin disease characterized by formation of dermal filaments associated with multisystemic symptoms.  Recent studies show that Bb spirochetes were detected in the dermatological specimens from study patients, providing evidence that Morgellons disease is associated with an infectious process.  Or do studies highlight the importance of coinfections since they can complicate the diagnostic process and their pathological synergism can exacerbate CLD or induce similar disease manifestations."

International Journal of Family Medicine
Volume 2014, Article ID 138016, 10 pages

07 March 2015

Morgellons Mystery Fibers Are Human Silk - I think.

Cytoskeleton - The Fibers' Properties Occur Commonly
The thin filaments, also referred to as fibers, strings, and tubes, get their characteristics from the structure of the underlying proteins and other molecules. Fueling much of the debate were the purported properties: extreme heat resistance (confirmed during an attempted chromatography), high tensile strength, elasticity, independent motility both within and outside of the skin, rapid expansion or contraction, and possible electrical or magnetic properties (generally poorly described).  

Several MD sufferers claimed proof of a parasite with insects seen entangled in fibers. (The belief was held in good faith, but they were mistaken.) Adding to the mystery was ABC's Nightline program on Morgellons Disease which featured a law enforcement officer who was unable to match the fiber to any known fiber in a presumably expansive database run by the FBI.  Upon microscopic examination, no cell wall was observed leading many scientists to assume it was inorganic.  (They too were mistaken).

Doctors agreed that the absence of a cell wall indicated the fibers'  inorganic composition and concluded that they had to be synthetic fibers.  The unique properties perhaps suggested some human manipulation - a designed or altered synthetic fiber?  It didn't matter because since the fibers were assumed to be synthetic, infection was ruled out. The theory now was that patient must have planted the fibers to trick the physician.  

That reasoning implicitly endorsed the stereotype that persons with a mental illness are incompetent or dishonest reporters of their own experiences.  A difficult position became an impossible one. In addition to the belief that MD sufferers were delusional, now they were also manipulative tricksters.  Support for recognition of MD as something other than an imagined condition would imply a clinician's gullibility and hurt professional respect, standing, and/or opportunities.  It could mean loss of business or hospital privileges.  

The public ate it up, fascinated at the idea of such a twisted and obsessed mind.  Somehow people felt justified in their cruelty.  Psychiatrists didn't seem bothered by the fact that a person holding a sincere belief would not usually then falsify evidence and persist at great lengths to persuade the physician.  Collecting samples for clinical or laboratory examination merely cemented the suspicion that MD patients were trying to manipulate their doctors.  No one seemed to notice the shift in diagnosis from mass delusion (used in an attempt to explain the widespread reports) to mass participation in an Internet-based hoax.  Mass delusion described a delusional or psychotic disorder.  The new intentional deceit theory described a personality disorder.

The explanatory gap (gulf) is bridged by the fiber forming proteins that animals produce which are capable of biopolymerization, a process producing specific structure sets out of amino acids. Like their synthetic polymer counterparts, biopolymers exhibit exceptional qualities, depending on the structure.  The structure is dictated by their chemical composition and environmental factors.  

Naturally occurring biopolymers are observed as adhesives (adhering connective tissue to bone with gelatin or collagen), shields (silk cocoon), elastic gel compounds (viscoelastic hagfish threads), insect attractants and snares (spider silks).  In the cytoplasmic skeleton alone, humans produce dozens of proteins (proteins are made out of amino acids). Many have potential to biopolymerize and do so regularly.  We're only beginning to discover the myriad ways in which the body regulates and exploits this.  

While visibly expressing through the epidermis, it is the cytoskeletal matrix which appears to be the most affected by Morgellons Disease.  The matrix consists of actin, microtubules, and intermediate filaments (IF).  The actin layer assists in signal transduction and together with myosins, transports organelles and other substances through cell membranes.  (http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/479680/protein/72523/Physicochemical-properties-of-the-amino-acids)
Actin is critical in determining a cell's final shape and is what moves cells to the surface of the skin in a growth process called "treadmilling".  (http://www.mechanobio.info/modules/go-0030041). Actin's properties are numerous and special, but discussion of every MD implicated property would take too long. I would encourage readers to investigate further.  (http://www.bms.ed.ac.uk/research/others/smaciver/Cyto-Topics/actinpage.htm).

06 March 2015

It Looks Weird Because We're Weird.

Usually, as a skin cells develop, it uses genetic instructions to find its proper final location and its shape (and function). Skin cells take on an amazing array of shapes for an equally impressive set of functions. In other animals, they can become antlers, horns, and baleen for example. In humans they even become the highly specialized tightly coiled thin hairs that convert vibrations in the air for the Organ-of-Corti which one perceives as sound. (Incidentally, I think this may help answer the question of how baleen whales hear frequencies that their skull shapes do not pick up).

Skin stem cells also produce electrically active cells which become involved in at least four signaling pathways used to "guide" and differentiate the cell. I suspect the WnT pathway may be specifically involved given the potential role of a positive calcium ion in triggering certain actions discussed in detail later.

As for blue coloration, it is a color not uncommon to a variety of skin conditions. Melanin contains blue compounds. Papillae turn blue in some skin cancers. Scleroderma patients have blue-ish patches of skin, and attributed to vascular causes, blue hands and feet intermittently (human blood is never blue (http://scienceline.ucsb.edu/getkey.php?key=3964). Blue and purple rashes are present in several late stage spirochetal infections. Finally, color can have a structural origin (like a sapphire) because of its refractive properties.

In Morgellons, most of the non-fibrous, non-crystallized detritus and conglomerations appear to be any (and maybe every) number of terminal (final shape) skin cells or known morphological mutations thereof. Keratin plugs appear as black dots. Wickam Striae as visible collagen (the striae are associated with new skin growth). Misshapen skin, plaques, and twisted hairs (different from the fibers) appear in recognizable albeit unusual shapes and sizes, as does lichen planus.

The well documented but baffling "glowing" and fluorescent material seem to be either or both the fluorescent sex chromatin found at the base of hairs, or melanin (http://www.nature.com/jid/journal/v116/n4/full/5601045a.html) that glows red upon oxidation. (https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/133543 "Sex chromatin in hair roots — 25 years later: fluorescence in situ hybridization of hair root cells for detection of numerical chromosome aberrations"). Alternatively or additionally, one of several minerals, including those of the bone forming apatite family, could be involved. Several forms of naturally formed apatite exhibit fluorescence. http://www.jbc.org/content/274/27/19145.full "Keratin Filament Suspensions Show Unique Micromechanical Properties". Focal adhesions, where skin attaches to the cytoplasmic skeleton, stimulates keratin growth. (J Cell Biol. 2006 May 8; 173(3): 341–Focal adhesions are hotspots for keratin filament precursor formation. Reinhard Windoffer, Anne Kölsch, Stefan Wöll, and Rudolf E. Leube (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2063835/#!po=32.6087))

The undifferentiated and extreme growth rate, as well as the mutated forms observed , suggests a genetic origin as opposed to something localized and foreign. Interestingly, the gene FGF23 (fibroblast growth factor) is involved both in regulating fibroblast growth and iron regulation (in a long list of others). Discovered recently, iron is effective in boosting the fibroblast's development speed. (Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Silicon and Iron on Collagen Synthesis in the Human Dermal Fibroblast Cell(HS27). FASEB J. April 2008 22 (Meeting Abstract Supplement) 672. Jin-ah Lee and Yunhi Cho Medical Nutrition, Kyung Hee University, Suwon, Korea, Republic of.). FGF2 assists in regulating protein secretion by cells and appears to play a role in the "unconventional protein secretion," a process of extra cellular protein production independent of cell secretion. These proteins play an important role in "immune surveillance and tissue organization. . . While known for more than two decades, their underlying mechanisms are only beginning to emerge. . . secretory mechanisms have been described with the best-characterized example being based on direct translocation of cytoplasmic proteins across plasma membranes." (Unconventional Secretion of Fibroblast Growth Factor 2-A Novel Type of Protein Translocation across Membranes? Journal of Molecular Biology 2014. Steringer JP, Müller HM, Nickel W. ).

As for the more complex organic shapes, they appear to be common morphologies of cells and proteins from beneath the skin, suggesting possible actin dysfunction. Actin assists in clearing unwanted cells and protein, and it transports differentiating cells to their final placement. Actin dysfunction would also explain why so much excess protein is found in improbable places. FGF23 and FGF2 are probably not the only genes implicated. I'm not even sure they are, but given that manipulating the FGF series can cause so many of the secondary symptoms (e.g. thermoregulatory difficulty, fatigue from anemia, mineral regulation), it's a good idea to index symptoms using FGF genes.  I have read from others that Chromosome 1 Q42.11, 1.Q42.12, and 1Q42.13, may also be implicated and areas to be researched.

The likely genetic link makes certain other theories less likely, particularly the parasite theory or nano manufactured weapon or surveillance theory. It is possible, of course that once inside the host, the infecting agent causes genetic changes - as many microbes do. Consider, however, that both thrive on stealth and would benefit from an unaware host. An entity capable of building and deploying microscopic machines would presumably have the capability to make such an invasion difficult to detect.

It also makes more sense that an infectious pathogen is involved (versus a congenital hereditary cause) because (1) most symptoms onset at various times in different Morgellons patients, and (2) Morgellons seems to have been extraordinarily rare until recently. Of course reports in the literature are likely given its status as a psychiatric condition. Additionally, anecdotal observation reveals that nurses and teachers were disproportionately affected which one might expect to see for emerging infectious pathogens (these are professions with a large percentage of women too.).

Several researchers have noted a striking similarity between Morgellons fibers and those from a recently discovered disease in cattle, Bovine Digital Dermatitus. Pathogenically, borreliosis burgdefori may be implicated. B. burgdefori is infamous for its ability to mutate quickly and "learn" cross-species infection capabilities. The relevant bovine and human cells contain similar proteins and inorganic moleccules. The work of Dr. Rafael Stricker and others in the medical community as well as vanguard microbiologists shows promise.

A Space So Small, Chemistry and Physics Occupy the Same Space

I've sat on the writing that I'm about to share for awhile.  It's a portion of a larger piece.  I researched as I wrote it, and I discovered that some of what I thought was new had already been proposed.  I was too lazy to go back and change the whole thing.  My original intent was to write as a personal outlet and staying out of the public debate. If you have relevant sites, kindly leave a link in the comment section below. I reply to emails.

There are two main explanatory components. The first has to do with the stem cells that become the various features of skin and the matrix I which that skin grows, the cytoplasmic skeleton.  These account for the non-fibrous detritus (excluding the apparent metallic debris).  The second concerns the tiny protein fibers and amino acids in the cytoskeletal layer, a dynamic web consisting of tiny protein fibers.  The properties of the cytoskeleton, both in their structural composition and function produce unfamiliar mechanical properties, but explain the most implausible part of the disease - the fibers' properties.

The "metal" and "nano tubes" are common forms of the elements found within human skin stem cells in crystallized form (either minerals or bio minerals), explaining their improbably exact geometric shapes, habits in formation, coloration/iridescence, and opacity/transparency.  Adhering to other detritus, they looked like biomechanical parts.  To a rock hound and mineral enthusiast, the structures are recognizable as mineralization in its early molecular stages.  Notably, various forms of apatite crystallize in small hexagonal iridescent discs (which in other contexts elongates as layers form to make a crystal).  They are also found commonly in fibrous form.  There are many reputable mineralogists who might help in identification.

It might be helpful to read this before we go on.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2405915/pdf/nihms-44878.pdf  "Epidermal Stem Cells of the Skin."

05 March 2015

2015 Recognition of Morgellons Disease

I should like to recognize every medical and academic professional, friend, and family member who supported a loved one reporting Morgellons symptoms.  As the personal accounts of MD sufferers are replete with references to extreme isolation, ridicule, and suicide, I'm sure your support has made a difference beyond words. For those who risked or lost professional reputations, licenses, or social status in their quest to alleviate the suffering of others - you have my deepest admiration and respect.  I am humbled by your courage and indebted to your selfless pursuit of the truth.

To the affected, those who have lost skin, teeth, hair, nails, balance, sleep, friends, and memories, stay strong.  You have many supporters, across the country and world, who want to see you well.  Feel free to use this as you wish.  

For those professionals who persist in believing in a purely psychological origin of the symptoms, talk to your peers at the universities or clinicians mentioned in the journal article links - arrange a viewing of slides, examine their photographs, discuss pathologies.  They have little to gain and everything to lose by taking their position.  They, like you, took an interest in science to pursue truth and knowledge.  Please look at the recent research on biofilm and intracellular invasion capabilities of bacteria, as well as the relative effectiveness of antibiotics on them. Juxtapose the rates of serological testing failure, as verified by PCR (DNA) testing with the treatment protocols which rely on them.  Compare the symptoms with other well established skin disorders of unknown etiology.  Consider my explanations.  Our questions are better answered through methodological inquiry.

Finally, if you're unconvinced, take my personal challenge.  Fly out to California and visit me. It's harder for me to get around, but we can hang out (in public too, if you don't mind the way I look and move now) and when I get a major relapse, you can do the extractions personally - as many fibrous souvenirs as you want.  One requirement: we video the whole thing, use mutually agreed upon laboratories, and we post the results online.  Your reputation against mine.

04 March 2015

A Historical View Helps Explain Why We're All Twisted Up.

Morgellons fibers come in bizarre forms and bright colors which led virtually everyone to believe they were foreign to the body and probably had an environmental origin.  Delusional parasitosis was the diagnosis. Patients reported the majority of doctors dismissing the condition as imagined without examining the lesions or fibers and treated for psychosis.

This hypothesis was adopted by the CDC, forcing the disease and it's sufferers further on the margins.  Being told there was no medical cause, and given the CDC's position, they resorted to explanations that attempted to reconcile their experiences with the reaction from the medical establishment.

Discussions took place online, and given the constraints, possible but unlikely theories were proposed, including super parasites, extra terrestrial organisms or implants, and secret bioweapons.  The discussions centering on disease etiology entertained far fetched theories.  Doctors felt validated and the public who trust in doctors assessments agreed - these folks sound delusional - it's all in the imagination after all.

Morgellons sufferers and possibly some genuinely delusional persons brought in samples of tissue, hair, and fibers.  For reasons having to do with static attraction, detailed in another part of the explanation, many likely brought in samples of environmental debris, dust, and commercially familiar fibers. This was the first visible point of divergence.


I speculate that the position by the medical community was taken in earnest, based upon what appeared to be inconsistent physical evidence.  Others, not having encountered the disease, trusted the observations and recommendations of their peers and professional organizations.  That was reasonable.  It gradually shifted into an unreasonable stance when the profession, seemingly en masse, stopped listening to the patients.

Those afflicted by Morgellons Disease felt their credibility attacked and felt the effect personally.  They were ill, scared, and proceeding blindly in the margins.  Losing the support of their doctors meant losing insurance coverage and disability assistance.  To avoid the scarlet letter of a serious and erroneous mental illness diagnosis, they suffered quietly.

The general response by MD sufferers was understandably heavily critical, but the conversation had now turned to blame, shame, and name calling.  Patients verbal thrashings, fueled by fear and frustration started to resemble those of a person affected with psychosis.  The collateral effects of the doctors' opinion on the social, personal, and professional lives of MD sufferers were not considered as potential sources of agitation.

Subsequently, ambiguous symptoms would be interpreted as an extension of the accepted theory of delusion and did not prompt research or investigation. .

E.g. 1. Sensations of subdermal movement and electricity on the skin were allegedly caused by hallucinations from illicit drug use.  Physicians did not entertain theories of an underlying pathology (which may have accounted for the self medication as well), cytoskeletal properties and (structural properties) environmental factors (static discharge) were also left unexamined.

E.g. 2.  Increased reports from disparate geographic and demographic locations were explained as "mass delusion," a non-existent psychiatric condition. Maybe the doctor couldn't recall the names of the two other similar conditions, historically used to deny women medical treatment "mass psychogenic illness" or "mass hysteria."  That's probably because those conditions have not been recognized as a diagnosable illness.  Critics emphasized its overuse and disproportionate use against vulnerable populations.

Even assuming some new mass psychogenic illness was to blame, no research into legitimate questions with public health implications ensued.  Why did those claiming illness, not share exposure to a common precipitant? Why are children and those in rural locations without Internet access finding out about their supposed shared delusions from the physician? Why did Morgellons disease arise so disproportionately from the dozens of other somatic conditions described and discussed online? Why were so many professionals willing to give up their careers to engage in a supposed mass delusion?   What caused the disproportionate numbers of cohabiting partners who verified the observations of MD sufferers? Though all agreed that this was a unique, persistent, and debilitating type of delusion, research was not the response, stronger psychotropic drugs were.

The eventual categorical dismissal and condescension toward the patients drove the camps apart.   Any remaining hope in a discussion on medical terms was obstructed by the poor use of language.  Without knowing what constituted a mass delusion, patients were implicitly denied an avenue to demonstrate their credibility.  The population entertained ever grander conspiracies, fumbling for an explanation.

E.g. 3 Correlation between some alleviation of visible symptoms and the prescribed course of psychotropic medication was assumed to be causal and interpreted as vindication of the delusional parasitosis theory. Selective reporting in journals was also interpreted as a vindication, without examination of potential bias in the reporting.  Literature reviews now produced additional false confidence in the existence of delusional parasitosis, and the chances for research into infectious origin diminished.

E.g.  4. A continued belief in MD sufferers' infection even after patients took psychotropic medications and the outward symptoms disappeared was explained as a unique feature to this delusion.

E.g. 5.  Belief by those living with someone with Morgellons Disease, typically family members and spouses, led to a surge of the dubious "double delusion," diagnosis, a phenomenon described as a "folie a deux".  If an MD sufferer brought in more family or friends who corroborated the experiences, they were considered delusional too (in a "folie a trois, quatre, cinq" etc.) [I wonder if an upper bound has ever been described or if it can accommodate everyone the MD sufferer knows.]

E.g.  6.  Extreme persistence in the sufferer's belief and anger at the suggestion of a psychiatric origin for Morgellons symptoms prompted physicians to recommend and prescribe use strong antipsychotic drugs.

Consistent with the history of the medical profession's assessment of credibility from female patients, it is possible that the higher percentage of women reporting Morgellons Disease symptoms, as opposed to men, contributed to its delayed recognition.

The evolution of the disagreement does not support the idea that physician  involvement in a high-level corporate or government conspiracy.  They did, however, put MD sufferers in a Catch-22 of sorts. That is, if MD sufferers wanted treatment from doctors, they wld have to accept the conclusion that they were simply suffering a complex delusion.  Accepting this would mean that their claims to an infection would be met with psychiatric drugs. Or they could persist and face ridicule, sometimes aggression, and always rejection.

How long should a rational person argue against a claim that s/he and everyone you associated with were incapable of perceiving the truth or a pathological liar? How could one disprove it? Attempts to use objective evidence, like actual fiber samples, were interpreted as signs that the deep seated delusion existed ("matchbox sign" or "ziploc sign").  As mentioned earlier, anyone who came in and supported your observations was inherently untrustworthy and delusional - as a matter of medical science.

Some sufferers researched on their own.  Some went to alternative medicine.  Others, already neurologically compromised and incapacitated, faded away.  The community of the ignored congregated online, and they shared experiences to alleviate some anxiety.  Everyone wanted to know what would happen to them next. All the while, the medical establishment's firm position gave the public the confidence to chastise, pity, and mock the vulnerable population about their elaborate delusion.  Families fractured.  Savings dwindled.  Health deteriorated.

Since then, journals reflect several clinically confirmed extractions and molecular  analysis of the fibers (all containing hair and skin related material) and evidence indicating an infectious pathogen.  Stanford University has a physician on the Medical Advisory Board for the Morgellons Disease research: http://www.thecehf.org/medical-advisory-board.html

It seems that skepticism remains though - possibly due to further unexplained implausible characteristics of the disease, but possibly also because the debate caused both sides to feel and act as if they were in a personal argument.  It produced a toxic climate wherein productive debate and experimentation were virtually nonexistent.

My experience in academic and clinical science is very limited, but I believe in the effectiveness of the scientific method.  Many of my interests outside of the courtroom involve investigating the world around me.  I participate in the communities and have positive experiences.

Here, in the Morgellons Disease debate, doctors and academics seem essentially to be accusing each other of fraud.  When an emerging disease is discovered, I've seen methods reviewed, results validated, and kudos given.  Unresolved questions became the subject of future studies.  Here, the unresolved questions about other aspects of Morgellons Disease were used in an attempt to discredit papers, discredit the methods, and assault the integrity of a colleague.

Regardless, time goes on, and time runs out.  This is my olive branch - my request for all of us to put effort into trusting and working with each other.  Every delay in recognition of this infectious disease turns a the story of success into a story of pain and arrogance.   Let's not create a lesson on the backs of the ill.  I hope that my theories and research bring about a discussion and a return to an environment of serious inquiry.  I would like nothing more than to see doctors doing what they do best and MD sufferers becoming MD patients.  Besides, I'm a much better lawyer than a molecular biologist.

Cytoskeletons in the Closet

Baleen, spider silk, ram horns, hair, hagfish escape fibers, cocoons, and Morgellons fibers.  I believe their structure, formation, and the proximate causes for those dynamic processes lies at the nexus of the many unanswered questions in disease and biology.  Structural properties and energetic interactions caused primarily chemically and continued through endogenous processes appear to provide a comprehensive and common sense answer to the questions about Morgellons Disease.

I am not a doctor, microbiologist, or physicist so my apologies for any confusion caused by misused jargon or terms of art.  I was an active lawyer, and I enjoyed litigating for my clients in the federal courts until a decline in health interfered with work. I am on indefinite leave from practice.

I have no ulterior motive in writing this.  I didn't have related cases (I practiced criminal and not civil law).  I have no conflict of interest.  I have nothing to gain by writing this and potentially a lot to lose.  I don't see association with either side of the debate helping me professionally, whichever way it resolves in the near future.  However, I'm at a point now where my health concerns eclipse everything.

This is an attempt to start a rational discussion, online and offline, with the ultimate goal of getting medical care and research conducted in a more socially responsible manner.  If things don't make sense or appear illogical at first, let's examine it, apply the scientific method and not dismiss it wholesale as a delusional rant.

Thank you,